
Reservation form(English page)

We will reply to you by e-mail within 24 hours after making a reservation request. Some customers may not notice the incoming email because it is automatically sorted into the spam folder, so please check the spam folder as well.

    Choose from the following two types of photo service during the tour (only one 360° camera is currently available, so only one pair is available in the morning and afternoon).

    Please note

    • We cannot speak Chinese and Korean languages, only Japanese and some English.
    • Meeting place Ta-taki Waterfall Parking
    • Things to bring : swimwear or clothes that can get wet(wear before meeting) plastic bottle drink(500ml size), goggles(if you have)
    • In case of rain,
      • light rain ⇒ Hold a tour normally
      • heavy rain ⇒ If it rained heavily the night before, we will contact you by mail or call again between 7:00 and 7:30 on the day. Tours operate when Ta Waterfall parking lot is open as usual. If Ta Waterfall parking lot are open while looking at the weather, we will honestly explain to our customers. "Since it is not possible to predict how the rain will fall, even if you come to the Ta Waterfall parking lot, there may be cases where you have no choice but to make a decision to cancel in the parking lot. Still, please participate only if you are good. If it is troublesome, we will not receive money even if you cancel. It is also possible to change to an open schedule from tomorrow onwards."
    • If your camera is waterproof, you can bring it with you.
    • Mobile phones can be brought in as long as they are in a waterproof case. 
    • Please respond at your own risk for troubles when submerged.
    • During the tour, the guide will take a lot of pictures and send them to your e-mail address free of charge by Gigafile flight.
    • There are no vending machines, shops, etc. in the Ta Falls parking lot.
    • With the Ta Waterfall parking lot charge, Admission fee 500 yen/car (valid for 1 hour) + Parking fee 50 yen/30 minutes after 1 hour is required separately. If you park for 3 hours, it costs 700 yen per car.




    • この記事を書いた人




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